Thursday, September 2, 2010

Home stretch

I can feel it. I've been burning my self out hard core for the last 2+ months with this car. Between work, school, and driving my ass out to Stoneham to work on the 240, its really taken a toll on me. Funny thing is, I wouldn't have it any other way. The people I've spent my time with, the places I've been, and the progress I've made this summer has been exactly the way I wanted it to happen. Now the finishing touch will go down this weekend. Paint will be laid on the car. This will seal my stress with this thing. I have tires in the mail, bought some wheel studs, tack cloth, and another thing of finishing glaze, the last few things I need to get this thing done. It's been a great ride, and I thank everyone who has been along with me this summer. Between hanging out, traveling, relaxing, grilling, working on the car, partying, and getting shit done.

Big thanks to Jeff and family for letting me leave my car in his garage throughout the process, getting dust and shit everywhere, letting me stay at his house 3+ times a week, letting me eat his food, traveling and lending me clothes to ruin. Toan for sharing my hype with the car. The hour long conversations about how stoked we are about how everything is falling together. Making plays on paint, and pushing me over the edge on going balls to the wall with the car. If it wasn't for you, plays like these would not be made. Pat for pushing me to build this car to another lever. The wiring help, dropping the engine in at 3AM half asleep and drunk, the harnesses, traveling everywhere, and sanding half a bumper (bitch).

All the late nights, sites I've seen, places I've been, and times I've had have been killer.

Thank you. It's been a great time. Lets keep it going.

1 comment:

  1. ya'll done some amazing progress in one season. big props to everyone. cant wait to see everyone roll through on the 24th.
